Posts in finding love new york
Why Do People Cheat | Therapy Long Island

“Why Do People Cheat” is a question that has been asked for centuries. So if you are finding yourself in a scenario in New York or Long Island, navigating a tricky relationship, know you are not alone. Here is some research from expert psychologist Esther Perel and some comforting words and guidance.

Book your first counseling session in New York office with Esther Goldstein, anxiety and relationship specialist

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A Somatic Exercise | New York City

You know that you’re feeling stressed, you’re not breathing deeply and you’re in a tizzy. But how to slow down? You’re a New Yorker and we are often moving on speed dial. Here’s a blog that walks you through a few quick steps that are bound to help you tap into your inner calm.

Learn about somatic therapy, how it works and ways to incorporate it into your life. Book a somatic therapy session at our New York or Long Island office with Esther Goldstein.

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Healing The Heartache: How Healing Attachment Wounds Can Help Build Stronger Relationships

Although relationships are meant to be rewarding, they are more often than not, super challenging. Often the demands of our day-to-day lives feel out of sync with what we truly want out of life. I get how uncomfortable and confusing it can be to not understand the “reason” for your pain or the reason you have been struggling in your relationships.

Here are some tips and information to help you find some wisdom and insight to shift the way you are in relationships.

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