A Somatic Exercise | New York City

The Magic of Somatic Therapy: Your Guide to Calm in New York City

With coffee shops on every street corner, known as the city that never stops, it’s no shock you feel stressed. Wound Up. Anxious. Irritated. You’re a New Yorker, I get it. And though you may be accustomed to the non-stop-ness of life, it’s getting to you. You’re stressed and not enjoying the life you’ve build for yourself. You want to be able to breath. To exhale. To Be. In. The. Moment.

And man, it’s hard. I get it. And because of that, I’ve gone ahead and created a short Somatic Pause for you to be able to settle in. Breath. Pause and find some peace. Yes, even if you are on reading this on some subway, sipping your morning coffee in Starbucks, between meetings, or as you wait outside your child’s daycare.

Somatic therapy is a therapy that speaks the language of your body.

Somatic therapy weaves the connection between two most important aspects of our selves, the mind and body. Amongst other therapeutic approaches, somatic therapy stands out as a gentle yet impactful tool that helps reach emotional well-being. Somatic Therapy helps the body release emotions, sensations and memories that have been stored a cellular level.

somatic therapy new york

A Somatic Pause To Nurture You

Take a deep exhale. Breath.

Feel the temperature of your breath. Is it warm, coolish, hot? Just notice. Slowly become aware of the temperature of your body and your breath.

Next, imagine yourself creating a safe space around your body, for a few moments.

A space for your body to tells its story, of how it’s feeling.

A space for your emotions to find a voice.

There’s no right or wrong way to do this. We are simply making space. And tapping in to how the mind and body are feeling.

Notice what comes up and give is some space.

Spaciousness allows energy to flow. And life is all about energy - the more energy we have, the more capacity we have to be in the present moment. And when we are in the moment, we can slow down and be present. And that is where we replenish ourselves.

Just Breath.

Be in the moment. Savor it.


Now, if you would like, you can try one of the following additional somatic exercises well.

Somatic Therapy Exercise: "Grounding and Releasing"

This is a grounding somatic exercise to help you feel grounded and release tension.

Feel the connection between your feet and the floor beneath you.

Imagine that you are a steady tree with roots that go deep in the ground.

Now, Inhale deeply, and gradually shift focus to different body parts - your neck, your shoulders, the tension behind your eyes, your belly, your back, and your legs. As you exhale, notice any area carrying tension.

Breath deeply into the areas that feel tension, and then imagine releasing just 3% of the tension.

Then inhale and exhale. Notice if there is any shifts- even a small one.

Bringing conscious awareness to a location of tension and breathing into it, can help release some of the tension. Yes, paying attention to something can help it shift, even just a bit.

Scan your body, again, one more time, to connect with the length of your body, from the top of your head, all the way down your spine, down to your toes.

Simply orient to the body you’re in - almost like seeing yourself from outside of yourself.

Now, feel your feet on the ground, and tap three times, bringing yourself fully into presence.

Try this exercise to foster a feeling of groundedness, of being more settled into your skin, and a way to re-connect to the moment.

Somatic Therapy Exercise: "Breathwork for Panic Release"

Here’s another exercise. You can watch this video, or read below.


In moments of stress or panic, intentional breathing exercises guide you to deep, rhythmic breaths.

Start with a deep exhale.

Put one hand on your chest, and one hand on your belly, and breath.

On the exhale, allow yourself to release the breath with an AHH noise, or a deep cleansing breath.

The sound along with the exhale provides a sense of release for the body and the tension it is carrying.

Do this exhale and inhale as many times as you need.

Don’t be shy to make some noises as you exhale.

Some may release the breath with a AHH, others with a OOOOO sound.

The vibration of sound releases pent up energy, activating our body's relaxation response.

As well, the deep breathing sends oxygen to the brain which provides relief.

Somatic Therapy in New York

In New York, many of us turn to somatic therapy methods to find calm in the midst of the “busy-ness”. Discover why this therapeutic modality is making waves and hear how this therapy can help you find that “felt sense” feeling of calm, by booking a somatic session or reading more about Somatic Therapy, here.

Your Somatic Experience Practice | Choose One

I invite you to bring one somatic practice, be it grounding, or breath-work of deep breathing into your life. Somatic methods brings more than temporary relief; it brings warmth to the mind, body and soul. When you are more internally in sync, you can focus better, breath better, be more present in your daily tasks, and make more aligned choices (for what is right for you).

Getting in touch with what our bodies are feeling, and needing, is a wise step to improving our overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Make it a practice - and your mind and body will thank you.

You may become aware of small things that suddenly feel more joyous, or you may notice that there’s a change you are feeling more capable to tend to. Whatever it is, somatic awareness can be a great tool for you.

Want to learn more? click for a free 15 minute consultation to find out if this therapy is right for you!

And, be sure to grab a FREE somatic download booklet that we’ve made with you in mind- for you to use in the comfort of your home.

Sending warm wishes your way,


Esther & The Integrative Team