Boundaries: 8 Ways to Protect the Relationships You Cherish

Many of us think that when we set boundaries we are hurting people’s feelings. Allowing resentment and frustration to build up and simmer is actually what destroys relationships - not boundaries. Until you learn how to do the boundary thing on your own, a therapist can help you identify how to set boundaries properly.

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Holiday Boundary Setting for the Boundaryless

If we take the time to look deep into our inner world, we will likely notice child parts who crave connection deeply. Healthy boundaries are not innate for many of us. It is like learning a new language and requires a “felt sense.” When we approach boundary issues using somatic techniques we get to the very root of the issue, which actually works to support and strengthen cognitive based work.

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Predict the Unpredictable: 6 Ways to Get Ahead of Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season

Think of the holiday season as a perfect storm for mental health challenges. So many people struggle more at this time of year than any other. Maybe it's the extra pressure to spend more, do more and be more. Maybe it's the winter blues that make us more prone to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Maybe it's extra pressure at work or family obligations? Lets get ahead of the problems...

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5 Ways to Help You Find Your Sparkle Again

Help yourself get out of that slump by finding what makes you glitter and glow. Learn and practice some small, yet critical healthy habits, that have the power to create significant shifts in your mental health and in your most important relationships. The saying “It’s OK to not feel very sparkly this year” has it's merits, but at a certain point we need to make a choice to make some changes.

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Navigating Challenging Family Dynamics: Holiday Edition

“Family Constellations Therapy” can help you not only survive, but thrive… even through dreaded family events with way too many boundary violations. You might even surprise yourself and actually start to enjoy your time together!

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