Do I have attachment related anxiety? 10 Questions to ask yourself

Last blog discussed attachment and anxiety that you have that may be related to an attachment injury or attachment trauma. For more clarity, ask yourself the following questions to see if you may have attachment related anxiety:

Attachment related anxiety? 10 Questions:

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EMDR Therapy For The Anxious Overachiever + 5 Questions for Clarity

EMDR and Psychotherapy for the Anxious Overachiever

Are you an anxious overachiever? Or an overachiever with levels of anxiety that have been making you feel like you’re spinning in circles? Here are 5 Questions to ask yourself to get clarity on that answer!

Also, I’ve provided some info on what kinds of counseling can help you live a better life. Healthier Work Goals + Less Stress + more Joy and Presence = More meaningful life.

Read on!

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Suicide Awareness Month-7 Tips

September is Suicide Awareness month, which is specifically targeted to raising awareness and adding support to those in pain. According to US Department for Health and Human Services, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, and the rates are on the rise. So what can you do? If you have a loved one who may be struggling with mental health or suicidal thoughts or tendencies, here are some 7 preventative tips for safety!

7 Tips for Prevention and Safety:

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What is Trauma? Trauma Therapy Explained

As human beings, none of us can avoid the difficulties and sometimes traumatic experiences of life. However, we are all impacted differently and if you've been impacted by traumatic stress, I encourage you to  prioritize your healing so you can get back to a healthy equilibrium. Trauma and stress can be tough, but they don't need to leave a lasting impact.

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From terror to treating trauma. 5 Tips for your trauma healing.

"Here's a review of the recent events protocol. Use it to the best of your ability." My supervisor looks at me with a trusting look. "You got this, Esther." And then he drifted away into the mix of people.

 I can sense exactly where I was standing. I remember the location, the scenery and the fresh scent coming from the local food stand. I could also smell the scent of the burnt metal and shattered glass. It's a smell that doesn't have words because that scent is one that goes beyond the nostrils. It's a smell of shock, of horror and of sadness. Terror. That's what it does to you. It shocks the sense of stability and causes an earth shattering thud to any inner resources and trusting, at least for that moment in time. 

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