Somatic Therapy can help when you feel too tired to talk about it!


What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic Therapy New York For Anxiety Relief

“I already told you, I don't want to talk about it".

Rachelle looked outwardly annoyed. She stomped her feet and walked down the hallway, slamming her bedroom door behind her. 

From behind closed doors you could hear her sniffling - and then saying, though a tad muffled,
"Mom, I already told you. Don't talk to me about it. Ever. Again".
I had walked into one of my best friends homes a year or so ago. I came to bring her daughter, Rachelle, a birthday gift because I was her "auntie Esther [ in my opinion, friends become family when there's that much love].  But apparently, there was something I walked into. Rachelle was distressed about a topic that had come up. 
"Oh perfect timing, Esther", my friend said to me as she ran towards me.
I knew she needed a hug and a listening ear. She fell into my arms and I held her, tight. I knew that Rachelle was going through some struggles socially, and that it was taking mom some time to find the right words to connect with Rachelle.
After having a cup of my favorite tea, some baked goodies, and exchanging latest life updates, we were giggling in the kitchen, talking about our years the we were Rachelle's age too. The stressors, the worries, the hopes and fears. 

At one point, Rachelle peeked her head in and asked if she could join us. Her mom eyed me, communicating that she was glad Rachelle had called down. I, too, was relieved that she came out of her room to join us as I loved he company and came for her birthday! 
Over the next few hours we cooked Rachelle's favorite dinner and I got to give her the gift I bought for her. 
As the evening was coming to an end, Rachelle asked me;


"Autie Esther, can I ask you something?"

“Yes, darling, I replied", coming closer to Rachelle. 
"I don't know what it is but sometimes when I am upset, I just can't talk about what I'm upset about. I just can't.  I know you're a therapist. Do I have a problem?" 

I looked at her, lovingly and chuckled.

No, you don't have a "problem", per se, you're just too emotionally tired to talk.

"Darling, sometimes we are just so tired and we are out of energy. And we can't talk about a problem anymore. Even if we do need to figure something out, we may need to take some time to calm down, and then talk, or maybe even find another way to work though what's going on inside.

Somatic Therapy Explained

Non-Verbal Routes to Relief  in New York

Relief washed over her face. I was so glad to see. I then told her all about my recent trainings I had take in SandTray, Somatic Therapy and Expressive Therapies, that were designed for people who didn't have energy to "talk about it" but wanted to feel better, or make shifts in how they were feeling or how they were dealing with things. 

I left that evening, with mom and Rachelle smiling as they waved goodbye to me. I was happy to see that Rachelle felt calmer after our convo. And I realized how a little bit of info can go a far way in understanding our minds and bodies.  


Why am I sharing this?

Well, because every day I hear from clients how exhausting it is to “talk about” their pain, stress and struggles. They want relief but in a way that is do-able to them. I get it and that’s why I want you to learn about a method of therapy that helps when you’re too tired to talk about it : Somatic Therapy.

We help you heal from anxiety and trauma in New York and Long Island

As you may know, our Therapy Practice, Integrative Psychotherapy, appreciates both science and art based methods as those are what help people heal. Using the mind and also the mind. And when it comes to healing trauma and experiencing relief from anxiety - creative methods are the way to go!

How Somatic Therapy Can help you.

Are you…

  • Are too tired to talk about your issues but want to get deeper relief

  • Appreciate self awareness and are open minded to creative ways of exploring your inner world 

  • Love Parts Work and want to better understand your "parts" 

  • Are looking to engage in powerful method of therapy that'll help you tap into shifts you have never felt before.


I live in New York and want one on one therapy!

We’ve got you covered, Click below to learn more about our Somatic and EMDR therapy methods. 

If you're tired of talking and want relief, we are here for you.
You can always book a FREE 15 minute consult call to see if we are the right fit. 

Sending warm wishes your way,
Esther & The Integrative Team