Group Therapy To Help You Break Free from Addictive Behaviors, Trauma and Pain

14 Week Group

Weekly: Tuesdays 6:00-8:00 PM

Starts: July 2, 2024

with Shana Neuhauser, Psychodrama Trained Therapist

You feel like you’ve seen progress in your healing journey, but…

You want to do deeper work

You’re holding on to stress in your body and you find yourself in fight or flight. You see yourself reacting from an emotionally activated place and it doesn’t feel like the true you.   It makes it so hard to feel connected with your partner, with your kids, at work or with friends. It makes it hard to feel connected to yourself. 

You talk about it in therapy, but you can’t seem to make the changes you want. You feel like you need a little push, to try something different, out-of-the-box, and maybe then you will experience a shift.

You are done talking about it, you want to experience a change.

We are now offering experiential group therapy to help you heal from the emotional pain, by not just talking about it. In a small group of 6 to 8 people, you will tap into the healing wisdom of your body and your heart.

Through art, psychodrama and creative exercises you access parts of yourself that have been longing for attention.

In this group, our hope is that you will experience new feelings of safety and connection, not only with yourself, but with others as well.

Experiential Therapy is an umbrella term for hands-on, immersive forms of therapy. These types of therapy heal the emotional pain in a bottom-up way by creating a sense of healing and safety in the body. Experiential therapies help us access feelings and beliefs that might be otherwise hidden or not easily communicated. In this group, we utilize experiential exercises, parts work, psychodrama & sociometrics, art, connection, and more. These modalities will help you meet new parts of yourself and experience new feelings of safety and connection.

Get Support Healing in Community

Trauma happens in relationships, and so it has to be healed with relationships.

You have been alone with your pain for too long. Group therapy will give you the chance to connect to others who can understand your struggles and hold space for you to work through your pain. Group therapy helps give you an experiential feeling of connection, which is a critical aspect of recovery from any mental health struggle or addictive behavior. In addition, it gives you a chance to learn from your peers and benefit from the work that they do.

“The opposite of addiction is connection.” -Johann Hari

What you can expect

Led by Therapist and Psychodrama Trained  Shana Neuhauser 

Participants can expect to be guided through a creative and engaging 14 weeks that will
utilize evidence-based interventions including:

Experiential Exercises
Psychodrama & Sociometry
Parts Work
Psychoeducation on Trauma
Expressive Arts Therapy
Connection to others
Learning Coping Skills
Sharing your Story
and more…

“Shame dies when stories are shared in safe spaces.” -Ann Voskamp

The Details

  • Experiential Healing Trauma Therapy Group 

  • Tuesdays 6:00-8:00 PM

  • In-Person, in our Cedarhurst office in Long Island, NY

  • 14 weeks: July 2- October 1, 2024

  • Signing up for the full 14 weeks is required (reach out if you have any questions about this)

  • Small size, 6-8 participants

  • $180 per session (if fees are holding you back, inquire about sliding scale)

  • This closed group requires the completion of an application (this is to make sure we are creating the safest group environment)


Feeling ready for this new expressive experience?


Group begins Tuesday July 2, 2024

Last day to apply is Tuesday June 25, 2024 by 9pm EST



Check out these FAQ’s or leave a more detailed question within our application.

How do I know If I am a good fit for this group?

You’ll know if you are a good fit for this group if you are searching for a way to do deeper therapeutic work in a safe environment, if you want to connect with others who will understand you, and if you are ready to take a chance and try something new.

Why is Group Therapy Helpful?

Group therapy will help give you an experiential feeling of connection, which is a critical aspect of recovery from any addiction or mental health disorder. Group therapy will also give you the chance to see that you are not alone in your pain. You will get to experience what it feels like to be seen and accepted by others. In an experiential therapy group, you will have the added benefit of participating in and gaining from the work that other group members do. 

Do I need to be in individual therapy in order to sign up?

Yes… This group is a great supplement to individual therapy, but it can be very emotional work and we want to make sure you have a chance to process that individually as well. If you are not currently in individual therapy and would like to join the group, speak to us about seeing a therapist at Integrative Psychotherapy.

What is Trauma and How do I know if my Trauma is “Bad Enough”?

Trauma is when we experience an event that is too much for our nervous system to handle and we cannot cope with it on our own. Trauma can come from a singular event or from a pattern of events that happened over the course of your lifetime. Developmental wounds are emotional or physical needs that are not met during childhood and can result in deep emotional pain in adulthood.

All trauma is valid.

You deserve to heal. Your pain is enough to deserve help and healing. 

What is Experiential Therapy?

Experiential Therapy is an umbrella term for hands-on, immersive forms of therapy. These types of therapy heal the emotional pain in a bottom-up way by creating a sense of healing and safety in the body. Experiential therapies help us access feelings and beliefs that might be otherwise hidden or not easily communicated. In this group, we utilize experiential exercises, parts work, psychodrama & sociometrics, art, connection, and more. These modalities will help you meet new parts of yourself and experience new feelings of safety and connection.

What is Psychodrama?

Psychodrama is a deep action method in which clients enact scenes from their lives, dreams, or fantasies in an effort to express unexpressed feelings, gain new insights and understandings, and practice new and more satisfying behaviors. Each session looks different due to the creative and spontaneous nature of the work. Psychodrama can help you address trauma and old stories and create a new experience in which you are safe and can use your voice.

What is Parts Work?

Parts work is a therapy approach that has been helpful to clients who have struggled with anxiety, depression, trauma and relationship issues, and uses a non-pathologizing approach. Parts work believes that we are all made up of different parts of ourselves; each part necessary to help us survive different aspects and times in our lives. To learn more, click here. 

What are Addictions/ Process Addictions?

Behavioral addictions are characterized by an individual's preoccupation with a certain activity, often compulsive, that results in negative consequences. It is when you feel emotionally overwhelmed and do not have the skills to cope with their feelings, so you turn to behaviors and sensations outside of yourself for relief. Examples can include: screen time, substance, exercise, gambling, disordered eating, sexual activity, work, shopping, self-harming behaviors, and more. Addiction is not a problem, it is actually a solution. It's an attempt at a solution to a deeper problem, and it's usually a poor solution, but it's one that works for a time and often keeps people alive. It is understandable that you turn to these behaviors when faced with stress and trauma without any support or resources, but there is help available and you don’t have to face it alone anymore. You can get to the root of your pain and let go of harmful behaviors that are not serving you.

Do I need to have an addictive behavior in order to join this group?

No! While these modalities can be particularly helpful for addictive behaviors, this group is great for anyone wanting to explore their mental health and feel better. In addition, this group may help you work on letting go of unhelpful behaviors that may not be “addictive” but are no longer serving you.

How much does the group cost per week?

The group will cost $180 per week. If cost is an issue, inquire about sliding scale fees.

Can I become friends with the people outside of the group or are there group rules?

Often people do create meaningful relationships from group settings, but it varies depending on the guidelines/rules created by each group. On the first meeting the group, guided by Shana, will discuss and create group rules and guidelines based on individuals comforts, sensitivities, and goals. We will discuss outside connections and relationships during this first guideline creating session.