10 Ways to Nourish yourself
Last post titled "Failure to Launch Or..." discussed why some adults are having a hard time moving on and getting to the next stage, be it emotional, psychological, relationship or career choices. The way to move forward and onward is by looking inside to see what is needed. Usually there is an unmet need, and when responded to, can help shift the inner workings of ones thoughts, subsequent choices and essentially create change.
One of the foundational necessities for moving forward with life goals is having a strong basis of self love and well developed sense of self. A clarity, an inner ease and a confidence that comes along with that. A vital ingredient to becoming that kind of person is Self-Love.
Self love is a term that we all hear getting thrown around today. "Fall in love with yourself", "Why don't you know how to love yourself?" "How do you expect someone to love you if you don't know how to love yourself". These are all well meaning suggestions to guiding you towards a life that feels better.
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Help, I'm dissociating, now what?
Esther Goldstein, LCSW provides Trauma and PTSD Treatment , Dissociation Treatment and EMDR Therapy to help you overcome your past and move forward in life. Book your first session in her Cedarhurst office in Nassau County
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Playing Small?
Have you been playing it small lately? Sometimes you may notice that you are in this funny place where there isn't much movement or growth. You're sorta stuck. You may have every. reason. in. the. book. to. stay. stuck.
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Is it really "Failure To Launch" or something else?
Seeking support and Counseling in Long Island, NY? Schedule with Esther Goldstein Anxiety and Trauma Expert in her office in Cedarhurst NY.
Failure to launch is a new terminology of the generation of adults who are "adult-ing" way later than they "should". Or, in some cases, never actually 'adult'. Many chalk it up to the fact that there are so many distractions and that adults in today's society have so many "quick fixes" and aren't used to putting in hard work and going for the long haul.
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7 Easy Steps to Mindfulness
"Mindfulness in a Capsule"
Try this quick exercise to get grounded right now! Mindfulness is like going to a "brain gym", a great workout for your brain health. At its core, Mindfulness is Focused Attention to the moment at hand. Using Focused Attention can change the way your brain works. Try it!
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Counseling for Self Confidence
What is a sense of self?
Your identity is your sense of self. It’s the way you see who you and what you want from life. When you have a strong sense of self, you feel confident, capable, and prepared for whatever comes your way.
However, you may feel confused about who you are and what you want. You may notice this appear in your life as chronic perfectionism, self-doubt, and a feeling that you’re never enough. Those feelings are tough to carry around!
To embrace your true self and escape the self-doubt trap, you need to feel comfortable in your own skin.
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