Posts in Somatic Psychotherapy
Making Sense of Felt Sense

If you’re seeking relief that’s actually FELT on a body level, you’re in the right place! Dig in to this article to get to understand the healing that comes with developing your OWN “felt sense”. This is about getting to truly connect with your sensations associated with your somatic patterns, and being able to discharge the intense feelings. This helps with making subtle, but significant shifts.

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Psychosomatic Pain: Of Course it's in Your Head!

Your brain is naturally very intuitive and tries to protect you from harm. It fires off warnings all the time when you push yourself beyond your limits. Maybe you are a workaholic and you have ignored these messages hundreds of times? Eventually the alarm bells start getting louder and louder until you can no longer ignore them.

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Is Somatic Psychotherapy Right For You?

Many people get nervous when they have body reactions to feelings because they never learned the language that the nervous system speaks. Perhaps their caregivers taught them that there was something wrong with intense emotions. When we become averse to feeling strong feelings, then its no wonder that attunement, mindfulness and body awareness would signals danger inside!

But in order to live a balanced and healthy life, we need to become fluent in the language our body uses to speak to us. This is essentially what Somatic Psychotherapy is.

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