Am I In An Enmeshed Relationship? Here are some signs...

Something about your relationship doesn't feel good and you're not sure what it is. You have heard about Codependency and enmeshment but you’re not sure if your current relationship is enmeshed or not.

Some signs your relationship is enmeshed and codependent.

How do you know if you're in an enmeshed relationship? Listen here (click on video on the right) to know if you’ve got healthy boundaries in your current relationships.

Realize you’re needing better boundaries or need to make some shifts? Breath. We got you- read the blog below for a few first steps to take to begin making a shift.

Here are some ways to untangle from an enmeshed relationship.

And if you’re interested in learning more about Boundaries, Your Body and Healing Relationships, click on this blog here.

And if you’re looking for one on one counseling to get personalized care to help you make changes towards healthier relationships, we are here for you.

Book your free 15 minute consultation today to get stated on your therapy journey towards healing, relief and richer relationships.