Is it Pain or Suffering?

Today, I want to talk to you about pain. 

As humans, we all experience some form of pain.
It’s an unavoidable part of life. 

Suffering, however, is not

Pain is heavy and uncomfortable, but it’s tolerable.

We are made with the capacity to withstand pain.  

What causes pain to turn into suffering?
Pain progresses into suffering when we feel confused, lost, aloneoverwhelmed, or afraid in our pain. Those emotions become a heavy layer above the core pain, and it makes us feel like we are in constant struggle. 

Getting to the core of the pain can bring relief. 

Though we can't escape pain, we can find some relief by removing the outer layers - and getting to the core of the struggle - the heart of the pain. .

When remove the dust and get to core pain...there is a roadmap out. 
Instead of confusion, there is clarity.
Instead of fear, there is discomfort,
and instead of aloneness, there is a road to re-connection

New York Therapy | A place to demystify your suffering & experience relief. 

This is when people tend to seek therapy–they want relief from their suffering, and they need help getting to a place where they are no longer consumed by struggle. 

Your Relational Template & Its impact on your quality of life. 

You might be wondering– what causes these heavy emotions that turns pain into suffering? 

This has to do with our relational template– the format of how we relate to ourselves and the people around us.

When we are in pain, but we feel connected - to ourselves and others - we can tolerate the pain. But when we are in pain and are isolated or disconnected from ourselves and others, we suffer. 

Counseling in Long Island & New York

Strengthen your relational template = Improve your quality of life.

Our relational template impacts our interactions and relationships– not only the external relationships but also the relationship we have with ourselves. 

When our internal relationship is out of sync, it projects outward and affects our relationships with others. It’s impossible to have outwardly healthy relationships if our relationship with ourselves is unhealthy. 

An off-kilter relational template skews our sense of self, impacts our coping skills.... leaves us with emotions that cause us to experience our pain as suffering. 

I want you get clarity and relief <3

I know this topic is layered, and so I'll be sharing bit by bit more information on understanding your relational template so you begin to better understand yourself - begin feeling some relief (yes!). 

Next week, I’ll delve more deeply into our relational templates and how different flaws in that template might present in real-life struggles. 

 Comment Below | Join in this conversation. 

I'd love to hear from you.
What does pain mean to you? How about suffering?
I read every comment.

Sending loving wishes your way, 

Esther  & The Integrative Team