Trauma Therapy Consultation | FAQs
FAQ’s Trauma Therapist Consultation Groups
Trauma Therapist Consultation Group
Dates & Times
The groups will take place:
Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30pm EST
Thursdays 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
Biweekly & Virtual
Apply Here!
When does the Consultation Group start?
The start date will be on Wednesday, September 13th. And Thursday September 14th.
*Due to legal and religious Holidays, there may be some shifts in scheduling. You will be updated once you get the calendar!
Where does the group take place?
Virtually over Zoom. You will receive a link to join the session.
Is there a commitment?
We require a 3 month commitment, which is 6 groups.
What can I expect to gain from this group?
This group provides personalized consultation from a trauma & anxiety specialist with years of experience in the field.
The feedback that people have given is that they felt more confident in being a professional:
You'll have more focus on your own skillset and genius
You’ll learn some skills to expand your clinical work
You'll feel more clear in having the capacity to deal with your clients struggles
You'll have to skills to provide more initial interventions for your work
This group is a place for you to settle in, share your clinical wisdom, and grow with other like-minded, experienced Trauma Therapists around the world.
Can I receive EMDR hours?
Ask Esther about EMDR consultation hours if you are looking for EMDRIA consultation, since Esther is a certified EMDRIA Consultant.
Do we get access to your trauma therapist course?
If you have taken the course, you of course have access to our Updated Course.
If you have not taken the course, being a part of the Consultation, Esther does give access to some of the modules or content of the course as it relates to what she is teaching. So you will have access to some free input including: Somatic, Boundary, Attachment interventions.
What others have gained from consultation with Esther
Here are some testimonials and input from people who have received consultation from Esther:
**Not sure if you’re up for consultation but want to stay in the loop?**
Be sure to sign up for our Trauma Therapist Community:
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