My Journey in Training as an Experiential Therapist | Shana Neuhauser

My Journey in Training as an Experiential Therapist 

Shana Neuhauser, LMSW, EMDR, Psychodrama Trained Therapist

Have you ever wondered what it's like to step into the world of psychodrama and experiential therapies? For me, it has been a transformative journey, both as a practitioner and as a participant in trainings. I want to share my personal experience and insights gained from this profound therapeutic approach.

Discovering Psychodrama…A Therapist’s Story

My journey began with a curiosity about alternative therapies that could offer deeper emotional healing and growth. Psychodrama immediately caught my attention because it offered a creative and experiential way to explore and resolve deep emotional issues, allowing for personal insights and breakthroughs that traditional talk therapy sometimes struggled to achieve. What intrigued me the most was its hands-on approach — participants actively reenact situations from their lives, allowing all emotions to surface and be processed in a supportive environment.

The Training Experience | Embodying The Skills We Learn

Training in psychodrama is unique in that it involves not only learning the theory but also actively participating in therapeutic sessions. As a trainee, I had the opportunity to take on roles as both the protagonist (the person exploring their issues through enactment) and as auxiliary roles (supporting roles played by others in the group). In addition, I got to facilitate this healing for others as the director (therapist leading the psychodrama). This dual role — giving and receiving therapy — provided invaluable insights into how psychodrama works from both perspectives.

Seeing the Benefits Firsthand | Psychodrama and Symptom Relief

One of the most profound aspects of my training was witnessing firsthand the transformative effects of psychodrama on participants. Through role-playing and spontaneous action, individuals could access buried emotions, gain new perspectives on their challenges, and experience cathartic release. It was incredibly powerful to observe how a carefully facilitated session could lead to breakthroughs and emotional healing.

Challenges and Growth | It’s not all sunshine and roses.

Of course, my journey was not without its challenges. Stepping into the role of therapist required me to develop my own creativity and spontaneity, as each session is completely unique and somewhat unpredictable. It was a journey of self-discovery as much as it was about learning the techniques and methodologies of psychodrama. Over time, I learned to trust the process and embrace the unpredictability that comes with working at the intersection of creativity and therapy.

Integrating Experiential Therapies into Practice

As my training progressed, I began to integrate experiential therapies into my own practice. Whether working with individuals or groups, I found that techniques from psychodrama — such as role-playing, doubling (where the therapist voices the unspoken feelings of the protagonist), and spontaneous improvisation — could be tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. This flexibility allowed me to address a wide range of issues, from trauma and addiction to interpersonal conflicts and personal growth.

Live in New York or Long Island and seeking Counseling?

Begin the Journey for Yourself 

My journey with psychodrama and experiential therapies has been nothing short of transformative. It has deepened my understanding of human emotions, enhanced my therapeutic skills, and reinforced my belief in the power of creativity as a healing force. If you're considering alternative therapies or are simply curious about how psychodrama could benefit you, I encourage you to explore further. The experience of giving and receiving psychodrama therapy has not only enriched my professional life but has also profoundly impacted my personal growth journey.

Embracing psychodrama has allowed me to witness the remarkable resilience of the human spirit and the profound healing that occurs when we engage with our emotions authentically and courageously.

It’s time to tap into your resilience and heal, in a tangible way.

Are you ready to try it for yourself? I’m here as your guide.

Work with me and try psychodrama and other experiential methods

Click here to learn about my experiential trauma therapy group and here to learn more about me and the trainings I’ve attended.

Looking forward to working with you in your therapy experience,
