Emotional Wellness Program | From Us, to You

Your job is to teach kids to shine. To grow. to learn. To blossom.

and you’re really good at it.

You work with students every day. You know the face of pride, of confidence and of curiosity. And you also know what it looks like when a student is frustrated, scared, insecure or feeling downright defeated.

You are skilled at being an educator, a teacher, a principal, a school guidance counselor or educational consultant. You know how to get a student from meh to rocking. from point a to point b. but you sometimes feel like your hands are tied.

when the third teacher in one week comes into your office, up in arms that they cannot do their job teaching because their students won't listen.

or when the sweet little girl with pigtails and glasses ends up in your room for the fourth time, in one day, you wonder why she can’t sit still in class like the rest of the kids

when you look around the room and see all the almost-college students head hooked over their phone, and you wish yo can engage them in social interaciotns so they can enjoy the beauty of relationship nd expand their social skills so they can be more efficient workers, friends and paretns- to their own kids.

or when you look at your students, all looking forward to the weekend on a Friday afternoon and then your eyes fall on the kid who just moved from abroad, and you can tell by the slump on his shoulders that he’s got no one to talk to when he gets home.

or when you sit down to plan a professional development seminar and can’t wrap your head around one topic that fully encompasses the struggles teachers are currently having, trying to teach students who are addicted to tehcnology

when you Sit with the mom, after she wipes her tears away, leaning that her child has a processing disorder, after learning about her child’s reading difficult and you want to know the right words to tell parents who need to know their children will succeeds, no matte react struggles they have- and give them a roadmap to what steps they can take

or, thinking about what kind of fancy sushi bar you can Bring in to a staff lunch so they will actually want to show up (with some energy) for a team meeting, because they are burnt crisp.

Our goal is to empower students and staff alike with a deeper understanding of emotional wellness and it’s impact.

You are a masterful educator . You know extol how to teach. actually, you’re talented, gifted and engaging. You’re just wanting to feel as impactful as you ca be. you want your students to be Able to get all the richness you have to offer.


we are here to help you do your job. with ease. with confidence. with skills.

you want to know how to help the child with add actually learn

you want the kid whose suffering with a sick mom feel less alone

you want to better support your team in navigating the same kid who are sent out of the office


educational struggles..

building self esteem - kids w academic struggles

We are here to help you do exactly that.

we know you are the experts at education. at teaching. at ole modeling.

we are here to help you with the kids who struggle academically, socially, behavioral..we are here to help you inspire your staff, to give them tools .and to teach your students tools to navigate todays world of society, technology, social pressures academics hopes and spiritual leaning. .

of Our goal is to empower students and staff alike with a deeper understanding and sensitivity of emotional wellness.

We have created free resources specific to you, your faculty, and your students on what is most pressing and relevant.

Individualized workshops and resources to reach your goals.

Our Emotional Wellness Program is designed to help foster a school culture where staff and students feel empowered when it comes to mental health. Students today are dealing with anxiety, ADHD, social media, anger issues, bullying, and hardships at home. We know our students are the next generation, and school staff have a big role in ensuring they flourish and develop into their brightest selves.

The Mission of our Emotional Wellness School Program is to partner with schools to provide support for both educators and students. We are offering various workshops on pyschoeducation, emotional wellness practices, relevant resources, and tangible techniques. We are cultivating a community wide shift in education, transforming the next generation today!

Kids & Teens

Our children today are navigating an array of mental health issues, to name a few…

Bullying, body positivity, social drama, complex family dynamics, technology management, struggling with yiddishkeit, and engaging in risky behaviors.

It’s no wonder statistics of mental health struggles are on the rise.

The Many Worlds Our Children Hold

  • Social Environments (school and extracurricular activities)

  • Home Life (parents, or caregivers, family dynamics)

  • Technological World (social media, tablets and phones)

  • Internal Emotional World (feelings, thoughts, urges) ** Canva — kid, balancing, graphic, simple, let speak for itself. Speaking to people seeing struggles themselves.

Children are the future, and we know (like many educators) the vital importance of teaching concepts that are timeless. Here at Integrative, we consider it an honor to come alongside and support the next generation when it comes to mental health issues.

Educators & Parents

are on the front lines of creating, influencing, and developing young minds across the globe. This work is blood, sweat, and tears and we are no strangers to that.

That’s why we want to carry some of the weight of this work with you, to lighten your load.

are on the front lines of creating, influencing, and developing young minds across the globe. This work is blood, sweat, and tears and we are no strangers to that. More wording here more wording here. text. more text here.

How We Help

Step 1: Reach out to our team.

Step 2: Share your specific needs.

Step 3: We curate workshops and resources based on your unique needs.

We do the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to!

Student Resources & Workshops

Staff Resources & Workshops